
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

There IS Pluto

“There Was,” “There Is” and “There Will Be.” 

Time is a key influence in all our past, present, and future endeavors. These are the processes available for achieving All Potential. 

“There Was” is a condition of the past.  “There Was” serves as a reminder of an action completed – a lesson learned. 

“There Will Be” fulfills the conditions of intention during a state of consciousness in transformation.

 “There Is” completely fulfills the Truth of ALL in the Now Present Moment. 

The Sun, Moon, and planets within Mother Earth’s Solar System contribute to our sense of Time. The Stars surrounding our Solar System provide a framework to assess the pattern of our Solar System’s movement. From the surface of our Mother Earth we see, we feel, and we sense our Presence and our Gifts within our Universe to co-create the entire world we live in!

We The People of the United States of America Are One Collective Energy.  We have a history as a nation and a people.  We have been big Light for the World.  We have been big Shadow for the world.  Not for the first time in history, we are at a chaotic fork in the road as a Collective.  Historically, as a united nation, the people have come together in times of chaos and darkness.  

Pluto, Mars and Jupiter are dancing towards the end of a 34 year cycle in which the good ole USofA is being asked to face its Shadow – to pay attention to the world within and above us and to ask “Who Are We Now?”  Ancestral woundings are triggered now.  Understanding the archetypical energies of Pluto assists and supports humanity – both individually, as well as Collectively – in our journey towards liberation from our past wounding.  

We ARE the Ones that we have been waiting for.   From Pluto’s perspective, the time is Now.  The land Itself – as well as The Ancestors of this “American Experience”, has lived through some pretty awful stuff. In some Circles, this American Land is known as “The Land of Light” and/or “God’s Country”.

Those of us born in the U.S. – identifying as “Americans” and living in these chaotic and historic times – chose to be here now.  We came into this lifetime with very specific intentions – one of which is to realize that we are not our history – not our “There Was”.  We have evolved through those ways of Being and – through this remembering – and this taking responsibility as the Creators that we are – and through forgiveness and letting go of the past, we change our “There Is” and our “There Will Be”.

Not only the U.S., but around the world and within Mother Earth and Her Forces of Light, there exist many karmic cycles and stories culminating over the next couple of years.  The influence and power of Pluto over other peoples and cultures and countries of the world cannot be denied. 
The Time of challenge for the USA has arrived!  The stakes are high. There is hope. In understanding the transformative energy of Pluto – facing the shadow – our history is understood, forgiven, healed, freed, and released back to the Light of Creation. 

Humanity is awakening from a long and deep sleep.  We are facing our denials.  We are confronting our beliefs.  This Shadow requires Unity!  “There IS” much available Now to support our actions.  Statistics attest to the growing numbers of courageous humans awakening and the growing strength of our Unity!  

All Potential is contained within each of our unique and individual Souls to produce a Collective Soul.  This Collective Soul of Humanity must produce the consciousness to transform what “There IS” Now to “There Will Be” in our intended Future.

Peace and blessings in Love and Unified Oneness.  Namaste. 

Received and written, edited and shared in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.